R. Jambunathan, H. Jones, L. Corrales, H. Klion, M.E. Rowan, A. Myers, W. Zhang, & J.-L. Vay (2025).
"Application of Mesh Refinement to Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection."
In Physics of Plasmas 32 013905.
A. Chow, M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, J. Davelaar, G. Bodo, & R. Narayan (2023).
"Linear Analysis of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in Relativistic Magnetized Symmetric Flows."
In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 1.
H. Klion, R. Jambunathan, M.E. Rowan, E. Yang, D. Willcox, J.-L. Vay, R. Lehe, A. Myers, A. Huebl, & W. Zhang (2023).
"Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection with Advanced Maxwell Solver Algorithms."
In The Astrophysical Journal 952 1.
A. Chow, J. Davelaar, M.E. Rowan, & L. Sironi (2023).
"The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at the Boundary of Relativistic Magnetized Jets."
In The Astrophysical Journal Letters 951 L23.
E. Kramer & M. Rowan (2022).
"Revisiting the Connection Between a Dark Matter Disk in the Milky Way and the Periodic Rate of Cratering on Earth."
In Physics of the Dark Universe 35, 100960.
K. Ibrahim, T. Nguyen, H.A. Nam, W. Bhimji, S. Farrell, L. Oliker, M. Rowan, N. Wright, & S. Williams (2021).
"Architectural Requirements for Deep Learning Workloads in HPC Environments."
In PMBS21: International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High-Performance Computer Systems 2021.
M.E. Rowan, K.N. Gott, J. Deslippe, A. Huebl, M. Thévenet, R. Lehe, & J.-L. Vay (2021).
"In-Situ Assessment of Device-Side Compute Work for Dynamic Load Balancing in a GPU-Accelerated PIC Code."
In PASC21: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference 2021.
A. Myers, A. Almgren, L.D. Amorim, J. Bell, L. Fedeli, L. Ge, K. Gott, D.P. Grote, M. Hogan, A. Huebl, R. Jambunathan, R. Lehe, C. Ng, M. Rowan, O. Shapoval, M. Thévenet, J.-L. Vay, H. Vincenti, E. Yang, N. Zaïm, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, & E. Zoni (2021).
"Porting WarpX to GPU-Accelerated Platforms."
In Parallel Computing 108, 102833.
J.-L. Vay, A. Huebl, A. Almgren, L.D. Amorim, J. Bell, L. Fedeli, L. Ge, K. Gott, D.P. Grote, M. Hogan, R. Jambunathan, R. Lehe, A. Myers, C. Ng, M. Rowan, O. Shapoval, M. Thévenet, H. Vincenti, E. Yang, N. Zaïm, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, & E. Zoni (2021).
"Modeling of a Chain of Three Plasma Accelerator Stages with the WarpX Electromagnetic PIC Code on GPUs."
In Physics of Plasmas 28 023105.
L. Sironi, M.E. Rowan, & R. Narayan (2021).
"Reconnection-Driven Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Shear Flows."
In The Astrophysical Journal Letters 907 L44.
J.-L. Vay, A. Almgren, L.D. Amorim, J. Bell, L. Ge, K. Gott, D.P. Grote, M. Hogan, A. Huebl, R. Jambunathan, R. Lehe, A. Myers, C. Ng, J. Park, M. Rowan, O. Shapoval, M. Thévenet, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, & E. Zoni (2020).
"Toward the Modeling of Chains of Plasma Accelerator Stages with WarpX."
In Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1596 012059.
M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, & R. Narayan (2019).
"Electron and Proton Heating in Transrelativistic Guide Field Magnetic Reconnection."
In The Astrophysical Journal 873 1.
A. Chael, M.E. Rowan, R. Narayan, M.D. Johnson, & L. Sironi (2018).
"The Role of Electron Heating Physics in Images and Variability of the Galactic Center Black Hole Sagittarius A*."
In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 478 4.
M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, & R. Narayan (2017).
"Electron and Proton Heating in Transrelativistic Magnetic Reconnection."
In The Astrophysical Journal 850 29.
J.E. Stalnaker, H.M.G. Ayer, J.H. Baron, A. Nuñez, & M.E. Rowan (2017).
"Measurement of the 4S1/2 → 6S1/2 Transition Frequency in Atomic Potassium via Direct Frequency-comb Spectroscopy."
In Physical Review A 96, 012504.
R. Bosch, T. Chartier, & M. Rowan (2016).
"Minimalist Approaches to Figurative Maze Design."
In The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects: Research in Recreational Math.
J.E. Stalnaker, S.L. Chen, M.E. Rowan, K. Nguyen, T. Pradhananga, C.A. Palm, & D.F.J. Kimball (2012).
"Velocity-Selective Direct Frequency-Comb Spectroscopy of Atomic Vapors."
In Physical Review A 86, 033832.
Dissertation & Thesis
M.E. Rowan (2019).
Dissipation of Magnetic Energy in Collisionless Accretion Flows.
Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University.
M.E. Rowan (2013).
Doppler-Free Saturated Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Lithium Using a Stabilized Frequency Comb.
Undergraduate Thesis, Oberlin College.
M.E. Rowan & N.P. Malaya (2025).
"Harnessing the Capabilities of an APU: Software and Hardware Co-Design for Emerging Supercomputers."
Talk given at CSE25: SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2025 [in-person], Fort Worth, TX, USA.
M.E. Rowan & N.P. Malaya (2024).
"Architecting an APU: Hardware and Software Co-Design for Exascale Systems."
Talk given at PP24: SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing 2024 [in-person], Baltimore, MD, USA.
M.E. Rowan & N.P. Malaya (2023).
"Software & Hardware Co-Design for Exascale Scientific Computing."
Talk given at GPUs for Science Day 2023 [in-person], Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA.
M.E. Rowan & N.P. Malaya (2022).
"Convergence of HPC & AI."
Talk given at AMD HPC User Forum [virtual].
M.E. Rowan, K.N. Gott, J. Deslippe, A. Huebl, M. Thévenet, R. Lehe, & J.-L. Vay (2021).
"In-Situ Assessment of Device-Side Compute Work for Dynamic Load Balancing in a GPU-Accelerated PIC Code."
Talk given at PASC21: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference 2021 [virtual], Geneva, Switzerland.
M.E. Rowan, M. Awan, H. Brunie, O. Creaner, D. Oryspayev, & Y. Zhang (2020).
"Introduction to CUDA: Profiling Tools."
Talk given at GPUs for Science 2020 [virtual], Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA.
M.E. Rowan, J.R. Deslippe, K.N. Gott, A. Huebl, R. Lehe, A.T. Myers, M. Thévenet, J.-L. Vay, & W. Zhang (2020).
"Use of CUDA Profiling Tools Interface (CUPTI) for Profiling Asynchronous GPU Activity."
Talk given at Computing Sciences Postdoc Symposium 2020 [in-person], Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA.
M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, & R. Narayan (2019).
"Magnetic Dissipation in Collisionless Accretion Flows."
Talk given at Dissertation Defense [in-person], Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, & R. Narayan (2017).
"Electron and Proton Heating in Transrelativistic Magnetic Reconnection."
Mini-talk given at Joint Space-science Institute (JSI) Workshop 2017 [in-person], Annapolis, MD, USA.
M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, & R. Narayan (2016).
"Electron Heating in Quasi-Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection."
Talk given at Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics Networks (TCAN) Collaboration Meeting 2016 [in-person], Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.
M.E. Rowan, J.H. Baron, & J.E. Stalnaker (2013).
"Precision Atomic Spectroscopy of Lithium."
Talk given at Physics Honors Colloquium [in-person], Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, USA.
M.E. Rowan, J.H. Baron, & J.E. Stalnaker (2012).
"Precision Atomic Spectroscopy of Lithium."
Talk given at Oberlin College Research Fellowship Symposium 2012 [in-person], Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, USA.
M.E. Rowan, J.H. Baron, S. Chen, & J.E. Stalnaker (2011).
"Two-Photon Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy of Potassium."
Talk given at Oberlin College Research Fellowship Symposium 2011 [in-person], Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, USA.
M.E. Rowan, J.R. Deslippe, K.N. Gott, A. Huebl, R. Lehe, A.T. Myers, M. Thévenet, J.-L. Vay, & W. Zhang (2020).
"Use of CUDA Profiling Tools Interface (CUPTI) for Profiling Asynchronous GPU Activity."
Poster presented at Exascale Computing Project (ECP) Annual Meeting 2020 [in-person], Houston, TX, USA.
M.E. Rowan, L. Sironi, & R. Narayan (2017).
"Electron and Proton Heating in Transrelativistic Magnetic Reconnection."
Poster presented at Joint Space-Science Institute (JSI) Workshop 2017 [in-person], Annapolis, MD, USA.
M.E. Rowan, S. Chen, & J.E. Stalnaker (2012).
"Two-Photon Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy of Rubidium."
Poster presented at Ohio Five Summer Research Symposium 2012 [in-person], Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, USA.
M.E. Rowan, J.H. Baron, S. Chen, & J.E. Stalnaker (2011).
"Two-Photon Direct Frequency Comb Spectroscopy of Potassium."
Poster presented at Ohio Five Summer Research Symposium 2011 [in-person], Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH, USA.
J.-L. Vay, A. Myers, A. Almgren, L.D. Amorim, J. Bell, L. Fedeli, L. Ge, K. Gott, D.P. Grote, M. Hogan, A. Huebl, R. Jambunathan, R. Lehe, C. Ng, J. Park, M. Rowan, O. Shapoval, M. Thévenet, H. Vincenti, E. Yang, N. Zaïm, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, & E. Zoni (2023).
"WarpX: Time-Based Electromagnetic and Electrostatic Particle-in-Cell Code."
In Astrophysics Source Code Library, ascl:2307.038.
M.E. Rowan, A. Huebl, K.N. Gott, J. Deslippe, M. Thévenet, R. Lehe, & J.-L. Vay (2021).
Supplementary Material for "In-Situ Assessment of Device-Side Compute Work for Dynamic Load Balancing in a GPU-Accelerated PIC Code."
In Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4708449.